In which Santa Jim is quite busy, and I fix a little problem

Santa Jim has been busy lately.

Santa's dogs get their own photo session

The studio work at Everett Santa  has been steady, and the days in the red suit are getting longer and busier.  And that's a good thing.

This young couple asked for Santa's help in making An Important Announcement.

Helen Tyrell is 83 years old, and this picture shows her very first visit to Santa.

But something was bugging me about the early photos from the season.

A nice family photo with Santa...except....

Can you see it?  Just over Santa's right shoulder?

Photo collage stolen from Everett Santa's Facebook page
That Spiderman doll was bugging me.

Maybe it's the shade of red.  Or the aggressive stance, making it look like Spidey is whispering bad ideas into Santa's ears.  Or the eyes.  Maybe those weird, demonic eyes?

Whatever.  It caught my eye in a bad way every time I saw the Photo of the Day appear in my feed.

So, when it was time to take the Floofs in for their annual Portrait with Santa, while the photographer was distracted with something in the other room

My traditional post with formal photographers:  shooting from behind the camera.

I took action.

Foxie Loxie's antlers nicely neutralized the problem,
and the tiniest dog was happy to be rid of them.

Much better now!

Roo, Foxie, and Luna with their very own Santa

Merry Floofidays, all y'all.


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