In which the air is getting dark and chewy, and I take (ghetto) steps

The jury-rigged air filter in our bedroom ain't pretty.

A box fan + HEPA filter + duct tape, and a real estate sign to shim the gaps

But then, ain't nothin' pretty about what's happening in the land around our Swamp...

A map of bad things

...or in the skies above us.

Red = Unhealthy air conditions for all populations.
Purple - Very Unhealthy.  Lookin' at you, Walla Walla.

We kept getting encouraging forecasts, so I put off making an air filter for the house...but today the filters at work were beginning to fail, and the forecasters are "hoping" that the air will clear up later this week, maybe...

The greyest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle I broke down and got out the duct tape.

I have a new fan and a filter that fits better ordered.  But for now, the ghetto filter is better than nothing.

 It makes breathing while sleeping soooooo much better.

Un-gimped photo of sunrise over Pickles' tree today.  Smoked plums, anyone?

Dragon's pasture is very brown--the only green is the weeds, damn them.

This ridiculous outfit is all about the flies, not the smoke.  We call it her "superhero costume."
Lupin is her superhero sidekick "JerkBoy."  Their powers are making apples disappear.

If you need an air filter for your house and can't afford hundreds of bucks, here's an instructional video showing how (and why) to build one with a box fan and a furnace filter.

Take it easy, y'all.


  1. This is really, really helpful. I didn't think it was bothering me, but I was walking around yesterday amidst the scent of burning rubber, and my chest started hurting more and more.

    I'm beginning to feel like this is a regular thing. Rain in June. Sun in July. Choking smoke in August?

  2. How do you know Brandi Miller? My old CMO partner!

  3. Don't you have a tomato curse? You plant tomatoes, & it rains? Maybe you could plant some tomatoes? ;D (I live in the PNW too, I'm ready for this haze to be GONE...)

  4. CHEWY. Yea. that's exactly what I'd call it. same out this way, though you guys do have it worse. Yuck.

  5. I saw that picture of the fan and smiled because I thought of my dad, who was constantly taping things together as a means of 'fixing' or 'inventing' things. It looks like something he'd make. Ugly but incredibly practical. And that pic of the dynamic animal duo and the 'JerkBoy' moniker made me LOL. So sorry to hear about the air quality, though. Hope it ends soon. Take care!


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