In which I live the best of all possible lives, and the sun did shine!

The morning didn't start with great omens.

Why yes: that is a hoofprint-shaped crack in the rear lens.  Sigh.

I left the camera and my gloves and my phone and no horse cookies on the fender of the trailer while Fiddle was tied, as I have done about ten zillion times in the eleven years this horse and I have been together.

She wanted cookies.  She thought there should be cookies.  She knew that she deserved cookies.

She went looking for cookies.  Phone is not a cookie.  Glove is not a cookie.  Other glove is not a cookie.  Camera is not a cookie.  The cookies must be under all this useless junk.  So she moved the junk...onto the ground.  The phone and the gloves bounced safely under the trailer.

The camera bounced...right under her foot.


The mountain was out today! (between Fiddle's ears--the phone camera doesn't show it very well)

There is no budget this month (or next, or the month after) for a new camera.  All the pictures for this post were taken with phone cameras--mostly mine, but also Patty's.   *see UPDATE at bottom of the post!

Rhonda and Tiger came with Patty and Flower and the Dragon and me

The goal:  enjoy the sunshine.  The horses are out of shape, so today was for WALKING.

A good place to enjoy the sunshine:  the monument, with vast views of Puget Sound

Lytha in Germany wrote today about taking her horse out after 19 days of no work.  He was very good, but (as one would expect) quite light-footed.  I wrote in the post comments that I didn't expect much "wahooo" from the Dragon after similar time off, and for the most part, I was right.  She got emotional when she thought that Flower was leaving without her--which meant that she and I took a 5 minute detour the other direction, until she could get her feelings under control.  

But mostly...

Typical Dragon-and-me photo:  she is clearly thinking, "I just gotta keep this little one on top
 and not let her fall off no matter what stupidass thing she does up there."

It was glorious.

*UPDATE:  Kitty saw the photo of the broken camera on Facebook this evening, and messaged me:  "I have one you can have for free!  I bought it for Africa and haven't used it since...." 
Just when I thought Facebook was getting to be too much hassle, a friend uses it to be kind.  Wow.

THAT'S what we need more of this year, people!  
Let's get busy!


  1. It seems to me that Rhonda always rides bay Arabians. Am I right? Didn't she have one named Slinky?

    1. Yes, Slinky is about 20 years old now, and mostly retired.

  2. Happy to hear that your sunny ride was so pleasant (the photos are gorgeous!), and how awesome that your friend happened to have a replacement camera for you!


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