In which it's never too late in the season to get naked (pumpkins)

It looks like an ordinary pumpkin.
But it isn't.

Smaller than an average jack-o-lantern, but that's not
what makes it different.

Bright orange flesh, considered delicious by floofs.  Nothing new there.

The difference is in the seeds:

no tough white husk covering the delicious pepita

 People always talk about roasting pumpkin seeds as a nice snack, and I've tried it more than once.  The salts and spices I put on them were delicious!  But that white husk covering the seed is too fibrous to be pleasant to eat.

I always figured that commercial pumpkin seed producers had some special gizmo that removed the husk in a quick and efficient process.


Instead, commercial pumpkin seed producers don't get pumpkin seeds from jack-o-lanterns or their kin.  They grow a special kind of pumpkin that has the pepita covered only in a little membrane instead of a tough husk.

Who knew, right?

"Naked" pumpkins grow naked seeds!  This is the collection of seeds I got out
of two pumpkins--about 1.5 cups total.

We got a few "naked" pumpkins from a friend, and the seeds are delicious. 

We are definitely gonna get naked in the squash patch next year at Haiku Farm!


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