In which I repeat myself redundantly. Do I hear an echo?

After almost 9 years of writing this blog, it's difficult not to repeat myself.

This picture came straight out of the phone this morning.

It can't be interesting to read, week after week, "I had a great ride, the trails are beautiful, the rain has stopped for a while, I'm so lucky."

She comes from the lower pasture when she sees me near the gate.
I love that.

We've now had enough rain to drop the forest fire danger back down to nil.

The truck is back from the shop, and running just fine again.  It is still for sale, but I'm mobile until it sells.

That means that Fiddle and I are back where we belong.

There are chanterelle mushrooms hiding under the ferns and salal.

I had a bunch of meetings last week, so my work schedule was weird...which resulted in time off on the sunniest day we've had all month.

Blue skies in September only happen mid-week, never on a weekend. 

Someone has "repaired" the balloon memorial, replacing the scary bobbing pony balloon with a
round balloon on a stick that doesn't move.

Trot for a while, then park beside a tree for a mushroom-hunting session

We aren't the only ones on the trail this time of year. 

The Dragon loves babies.

We frequently see people with bicycles, dogs, strollers, fishing poles, and all kinds of other weird gear.  Today we saw a guy with ENORMOUS dreadlocks on a bicycle pulling a little red wagon.  The wagon contained:
A dog.
A basket of mushrooms.
And a kid.
It may also have contained 47 live rattlesnakes wrapped in white plastic shopping bags, but Fiddle stopped worrying once she saw the kid. 

We like riding with other folks, and we like talking to strangers on the trail, 

This is one of our favorite zooming hills.  We met Kitty's husband Rick on his bike here,
and then zoomed up the hill ahead of him.

but sometimes it's good to just zoom around together, just the two of us.

I know I've probably said this before, 

but I can't help myself:

I went riding today.

The weather was perfect.  

My horse is awesome.

The trails were great.  

I had fun.

It's Good, y'all.


  1. I went riding yesterday, the weather was perfect, the horse was (mostly) good, the trails were exactly what I needed, it was good :)

    I love posts like this. It's reaffirming of our joy in what we do.

  2. All the happy trail ears photos of Fiddle make my heart happy. <3 I hope I'll get there someday myself!

  3. Indeed, live life with fulfillment and happiness - yee gods and little fishes! Yes.

  4. ZOOM! I love the zoom, especially when all parties involved have all parts operating properly!

  5. I for one never get tired of these between the ears photos <3

  6. Your trails are spectacular, I never tire of your "same-old." My old trainer always said that an uneventful ride was the best kind: good horse, weather and scenery, you can tell that tale any day.

  7. For every comment i leave, maybe only 1 in 5 gets shown. Here goes agai: This never never never gets old.


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