In which we continue the stories with one of bravery and love

The Stolen Child (United States)

A dragon swooped down upon a village late one night, burning the roofs, frightening the horses, and when it flew away from the village, it carried with it a small child.

With all haste, the king gathered advisors who made a mighty plan to defeat the dragon and rescue the baby. 

Allies were called, armies assembled, and soon the strongest warriors of the age galloped on fine warhorses to the rescue. 

They followed the burned path of the dragon, riding fast for three days and three nights, and on the morning of the fourth day they saw ahead a mountain.

At the top of the mountain, they could see a cave.  Coming out of the cave they could see smoke. 

The knights were just about to gallop up the mountain to rescue the child when they saw two people, dirty, burnt and tired, coming down the side of the mountain towards them. 

Between them, they carried the baby girl.

The knights were astonished.

"How did you do this? We galloped for three days and three nights to battle the dragon and rescue the child, and yet here are you, with the girl in your arms!"

They looked at the knights, and they shrugged their shoulders and said,

"Well, you aren't her parents, are you?"

Readers are welcome to forward the link to this page, copy/paste the text, re-tell this story over the campfire or the watercooler, and otherwise help it move out into the world.  Please remember that it came to you from Haiku Farm, with love.


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