In which my little brother gathers the clans for a celebration

I guess most people get dressed up more than once or twice a year--
like for church and concerts and stuff?

Of course Santa and my parents are adept at dressing like adults,
but it sometimes stretches my skill set.

Somehow, I am almost always able to avoid the whole "dress up" thing, with a few notable exceptions, like the annual PNER Convention.

Will cleans up pretty nicely too!

However, there was a fancy dress-up occasion last weekend 

These people seem quite happy about something.

and I had no desire to miss it:

My little brother got married!

Introducing Mrs. Alison and Mr. Randy Storms

It was like a party and a family reunion and a feast all in one place.

Aunties and uncles and cousins and friends and everyone else,  all in one photo!
Plus: dancing!  I love dancing.

Sweet romantic dancing quickly gave way to
rowdy rambunctious dancing

My dad toasts the newlyweds.  He didn't even cry much.
(my dad cries at everything.  so do I.)

I have known many of the people in this photo my entire life--
and I haven't seen some of them for more than 20 years!

Randy's daughters Lexi and Cassidy decorated the getaway Beetle, "Dieter".

Alison gave the bouquet a mighty toss, and Cassidy caught it!

Jim and I had to leave before the newlyweds departed, but I left them a sweet little gift on the driver's seat of Dieter:

Nothing like a zucchini bombing to start
a married life out on the right foot.

Felicitations, live long and prosper, Randy and Alison!


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