In which Santa's beloved friends visit to celebrate their babies

OMG, the cuteness!

There have been so many babies born since the Pandemic, and we felt like a party needed to happen.  But...where?

At Haiku Farm, of course!
Santa Jim and Wee Gwendolyn Rose 

We assembled Santa's photo set in the barn aisle (you can see Fiddle's stall door at photo left, above), and invited our friends with very young children to come visit.

A little careful cropping takes the barn (mostly)
out of the picture!

Our very youngest new friend is Small Enzo, born last month.  

Small Enzo's mum says "this is my favorite--he's SMILING!"

Small Enzo (left) 's outfit is a hand-me-down from older bro Leo,
shown photo right (above)

Here (below) is a picture of Big Kid Leo now, with Small Enzo, Santa, and Eldest Amalia.

Their dad says, "one of my children is destined for Drama Club."

Jillian has been one of "our kids" since she was a horse-crazy eleven-year-old.  Now she's a grownup, with a beautiful child of her own, ready to meet Santa.

Little Pippa was trepidatious about the stranger in red,
but Poppy the Skunk quickly won her confidence

Little Pippa's grandparents are also old friends--Carol and I worked together at the Richmond Beach Library for more than 20 years!  

They are all completely besotted with this child

Baby K's mom works at me at my "new" library in Everett.  Baby K likes the horse, but she is fascinated by goats.

The Dragon is making sure that no cookies are going into unauthorized, i.e. goat, mouths.

Young Gwenneth is the Dragon's Favorite Child, of course.  She fell in love with this child at first sight, nearly a year ago!

Dragon doesn't approve of goats near her Favorite Child

As the only kiddo old enough to walk around, Young Gwenneth immediately took charge of Santa's stage direction.

Santa and Foxie Loxie obey Young Gwenneth's commands

Finally there is our "own" kid and his child.

Will and Molly have been together for a year now!

Santa and I love them all.


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