In which we travel (not very far) for poems and stories and songs

Years ago, I would drive up to Bellingham (an hour or more north) 
on Friday nights to tell stories at a coffeeshop open mike.

In those days I spent a lot of time and energy chasing down venues to tell stories.  I drove north, and I drove south, and I drove into the city, and I drove out to parks and libraries.  For many years Jim and I would get up before the chickens and drive to the local radio station to host a storytelling program on Sunday mornings.

These days, my time and energy is mostly elsewhere.  

But recently, a friend told me "You really need to get in touch with Vicky at the Stanwood Library, because she hosts an open mike and she wants more participants!"

I thought, "The Stanwood Library isn't far away at all.  Let's go!"

Vicky: a new friend

So, we did. And my friend was right: Vicky is lovely, and her event is a delight.

I took some pictures and video and want to share some of the fun.

Donna's poem about her gardening daughter is called "Heartbeet."

Jim's first story was called "The Fox with a Thousand Ideas"

Yes, this is Mary from Global Griot! She shared stories and music with the group.

Lance brought jokes to make us all laugh.  And we did!

(Jim filmed me telling this story at a very unflattering angle, but the story is good)

Wendy gets extra points for being brave enough to stand up in front of strangers
 and SING!  She got us singing along with her, too.

Stuart's poem was written from his days in Texas, bringing that distant place near to us.

More photos and video are posted on the Facebook Event Page.

If you are local (or visiting!) please come join us at an upcoming event:

Fridays - July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2 and December 7
7pm until...whenever-ish
Stanwood Public Library
9701 271st St NW, Stanwood WA 98292
