In which Spring hasn't arrived, but we can see it from where we're standing

We had an unpleasant surprise in the yard this morning.


The Dragon and Daft Wully tolerate the ?snail?  ?sleain?  ?haeet?
falling on their breakfast

Jock would rather starve than go outside in that stuff

The dogs think it's wonderful fun!

Jim and I hunkered all morning, drinking tea and enjoying a leisurely breakfast,
until the weather improved.

Elsewhere on the Farm, we are preparing for something else!

Peas, leeks, broccoli, and 3 different kinds of flowers ALL SPROUTED!

I took this photo yesterday, showing sprouted carrots, cauliflower and swiss chard. 
This morning, the onions sprouted too!

Everybody wants to set on eggs, including our non-binary bird Sing More (L)

I need more room to grow even more green beans (beans are slenderizing for fat dogs!)
so I'm tearing out an old chicken tunnel to make a new garden bed.

This weird patch of plants is getting an upgrade (finally)

A ton-and-a-half of bricks to enclose the weird planting zone and make it look 
a bit more intentional.

Jim pruned and fertilized all the fruit trees this week, and the earliest of them are already starting to bud out already.  The dogs are shedding but the Dragon won't start for another two months, if she holds to her tradition. 

Even with sn*w on the ground, the raspberry plants are leafing out, undeterred.

I heard chickadees and starlings singing their spring song this morning, despite the white crap falling from the sky.  

They know what's coming--and so do we!

