In which the Minerva Louises are mostly grown-up ladies now
It's been about five months since this picture was taken, and in that time our hens have Grown Up.
Given that the hens look very much alike (which is why we named them all "Minerva Louise", since we can't tell them apart anyhow), it is difficult to say for sure that the chick pictured above is the same bird as the hen pictured below...
At feeding time, the hens with the largest tiaras are waiting at the door, ready to trample any of their smaller-crowned sisters on the way through the lunch line.
If these hens were ladies, they would be the bringers of the largest, sweetest, most elaborate cupcakes for kindergarten birthdays, and the drivers of the most heavily-bumper-stickered minivan in the entire lot at Costco, and the ladies who push to the front of the line at those predawn after-Thanksgiving sales at the mall.
That would be these large-combed hens, if only we would allow them to drive.
They cackle the loudest, and hop the highest, and always claim to have laid the largest eggs in the nest box.
The smaller-combed hens are much more reticent.
...and while the larger birds are off in a corner squabbling over a some delicious dainty, there will be lots of tomato stems and zucchini seeds and corncobs left to stuff into their somewhat smaller faces.
We think that all hens, regardless of the size and brilliance of the tiara, are beautiful. Most beautiful of all, of course, are the eggs they give us each day.
Some days there are three eggs, some days there are six. Last Sunday there were eight! All the eggs are beautiful, and delicious, and we are grateful to have them.
Minerva Twelve's injuries from her various "digging out" adventures were ugly. She scraped not only the feathers and hide off of her head while trying to escape one afternoon, she actually debrided her flesh all the way down to her skull on the top of her head. It was a very ugly injury, and we had low expectations for her ability to survive, especially since she continued to dig out and escape from St Hens every few days, thus making herself more vulnerable to attack by foxes, coyotes and hawks.We figured that infection would get her if the owls didn't get her first.
So far, we figured wrong. After nearly a month, Twelve's injuries are steadily healing.
Her skin is regrowing, and there's quite a lot less bare skull visible on top of her head. She is still living in St Hens with a very mild, small-combed hen we call Eleven. Eleven is always waiting for the food bucket in the mornings, and most days Twelve will stay caged long enough to breakfast with her gentle friend.
Life is good, for us and for our Minervas.
Lovely chickens, lovely eggs!
ReplyDeleteI just jumped here from Laughing Orca Ranch - good morning! I love your chickens, too. The Minervas must be real characters!!
ReplyDeleteNancy in Iowa
Your chickens crack me up! Soccer hooligans indeed, hahaha.
ReplyDeleteI just learned a lot about chickens today! I had chickens as a kid, but that's been so long ago, I barely remember anything but going and collecting the eggs.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear that Twelve is doing better. It is amazing how skin and tissue can re-grow like that. I learned a lot when my million dollar cat had to have skin stretching surgery, and his sutures came out and his skin tore in areas to where the tissue was exposed. The amazing thing was watching the skin grow over the exposed tissue, until it reached the skin on the other side and connected back together. Amazing!
Just saw your submission at Halloween Horse and I am deeply amused. Union workers indeed!
ReplyDeletePaint Girl: YOU, TOO can have a few soccer hooligans of your very own. They are cheap, productive, and endlessly entertaining. Truthfully, I'm not sure why people who have chickens and/or goats would bother paying for cable TV. The critters are much more fun to watch!
ReplyDeleteFunder: Thanks! I'll do a post or two about Hallowe'en costumes later in the month.
I'm surprised predators would ever be a problem for your flock if they were free range. They remind me of a herd of zebras, which tend to be confusing for predators with all their stripes and black and white movement. lol!
ReplyDeleteThey are all beautiful, as are your eggs, too. Glad to hear that 12 is healing well, too.
Your chicken tractors must be the envy of all chicken owners. Very nice!
Great post!