In which I start the day with some words which I will not repeat in this space

We were SUPPOSED to go riding this morning.


I can't won't haul the trailer in this stuff!
 Dubious chickens are dubious about walking in it.
 I trompled down a food corridor for the hens.  They don't want to risk sinking up to their wings and getting stuck, even though there's only about 3 inches on the ground.

 Mimsy graciously sat still for a photo.

Pickles and Luna did not WANT to sit still! Especially Pickles...

The sun clears the mountain to the east around 8:30am.  Before that, the sky is light but there's not a lot of color.   Look what the new camera can do with real light!

This is with the camera set on "normal", no extra tweaking or special settings.  Oh, hey:  the video capture is better too!

Fiddle doesn't share her hay with anybody, especially not goats!

Hana is much more amenable. 

Sure, it's pretty.

I can't wait until it's GONE.


  1. It is pretty, Aarene. But I'm not a snow person either. I have lived where it snows and I prefer living where it doesn't snow. Hope you have good riding weather soon.

  2. Aw... boo hiss! (It is PRETTY though... from over here where it's 60 degrees...)

  3. And I was all ready to whine about the #$@#! rain we're having....
    So sorry.

  4. Pat and I managed to get to our local indoor and get about an hour in while the sun was shining. Gray clouds spit both before and after. Maddie and I made it up to second gear!

  5. Did you get the hail storm that woke us at 6:20 am this morning? It was nasty! Then the snow came & covered the 1/2" stones with another 2" of snow! Finally - Sunshine! But very Cold! Great photos! Hana looks so sweet - sharing :-)

  6. It's pretty, but screws up riding for sure. Hoping it passes quickly!

  7. Did you get the hail storm that woke us up at 6:20 a.m.? Next, enough snow to cover the 1/2" hail stones! Finally - sunshine, but cold!
    Hana looks so sweet - sharing :-)
    Nationwide - 5th warmest winter in 118 years! Oh yea?
    Great photos!

  8. Awesome pics - I'm lovin' the new camera. It IS pretty. On postcards. Not when you have it in your backyard.

  9. RUN, lil goats, run!

    Sorry you missed out on your ride today :( but at least you get to really show off that new camera!

  10. New camera is AWESOME. Your place is gorgeous. And BAH to the snow. Bah bah bah. I promise to not say one word about our weather, or why you should move here, and board at that awesome endurance barn at which we see Murphy. See? Not one word. A whole bunch!

    Seriously, sorry you missed the ride. Frustrating! Beautiful chickens, beautiful floofy dogs. Thanks for the pics. :)


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