In which there were plans, then the world ended, so we changed the plans

We had grand and festive plans for a Grand Opening of the White Horse Trail:  
horses! bicycles! strollers! dogs!  balloons!  a marching band! a bouncy house!

Then, the World Ended.

Reality 2020

We still wanted to get out on the trail.  And Parks wanted some photos of folks (especially equestrians) so that they could promote the trail (eventually).

Out we went.  

Catherine rode Taba and ponied Rae

Social distancing isn't that difficult on horseback.

Amy on her mustang Dan

Monica took photos to document the (non)-event.

Palouse-to-Cascades-Trail veterans Byron and Lynette with Pearl and Jewel


Jim took photos of Monica, so she wouldn't be left out.

Monica and Ari, Cathy and Galen

Fiddle and I were there, too!

A familiar-looking dog and dog-walker interacts pleasantly with the horses

The weather didn't dump down on us (until after the ride), the morning was peaceful and fun. 

You can finally see my amazing hair without a helmet on top!

In the After Times, this is as much festivity as we can muster.  

It may not be Grand, but it's Pretty Good.


  1. The day in a nutshell, Aarene! Nicely done, y'all. It was a day to (sort of) remember. LOL


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