In which I'm back from Elbe Hills, and horses mis-use the furniture

This is going to be a busy week:  making sure the kids are all ready to start school, coping with all the laundry that I brought back from the ride at Elbe Hills Challenge, and, of course, dealing with the Zucchini Problems that grew while I was gone for a week:
the banana is shown for size comparison
To keep y'all entertained while I tunnel out from under my Domestic Responsibilities, here are a few videos that Sky and I took while teaching our horses an absolutely useless skill:

I'll be back tomorrow or so, with more adventures to relate.  Until then, I must emphasize that Sky and I are Trained Nutjobs, and we do not recommend that you teach your horse to climb on furniture!


  1. Isn't that a legitimate use for Parelli playground games?

  2. Nah, I can think of plenty of uses (and misuses) for just such a trick!

    ...Though I do not advocate trying. *nod* I'm only an Untrained Nutjob, after all!

  3. ................................................................................................................................................................................ Is that a normal sized banana?

  4. You know if you teach them to get on the furniture, you'll never find the remote...


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