In which rain is always my preference when it comes to winter weather

Foxie Loxie is the only one on the farm who
still thinks this white stuff is fun.

The sides of the pathways are now almost taller than the dogs

I haven't been to the gym in a week, and I haven't missed it, either:  there's too much work around here that requires lifting, carrying, and pushing heavy loads.

Taken this morning.  We've had much more, overall, but the bottom layers are compressed now

Yesterday, we finished all the chores with an hour or two of daylight to spare, and Monica and I were both getting stir-crazy.

"Let's get out the snowshoes!" she said.

So we did.

Monica had never done this before, but Jim and I
used to go sn*wshoeing for fun every winter.

Um, the Dragon has never seen these foot contraptions before, and she was suspicious.

"does the cookie pocket still work when you wear those?"

She followed us around the pasture for a while

...and then, she decided that I had wasted enough time tromping around. 

Draconic Rampage (TM)

Impatient horse is not patient

It was time for me to do something about this white stuff in her pasture!

The goats were running away, but I lifted up my arms and she did an abrupt turn and went bucking
away in a completely different direction

My mom asked if she rampages like this all day.  The answer is "no."

When I'm not there as an audience, she spends hours sulking near the gate, moving between her pile of hay, the water tank, and her pouting place.

Water tank-bashing: one of my most-important chores of the day.  We have one heated tank,
but the Dragon and the goats prefer the unheated ice-water if they can get it.

She puts on the show for me, to try to motivate me into "fixing" the weather.  Otherwise, her life is pretty quiet.

We've been stuck at home for a few days now--I shoveled the driveway clear yesterday, but the state roads were still a freakin' mess, so we didn't leave. 

But today we've had rain mixed with the sn*w, the roads were (mostly cleared), and Jim plowed with the tractor.

The driveway is now gravel and mud.  I hate this. 
We're going to need to re-gravel the driveway as soon as everything thaws out.

I scampered out with the Bluueegg in AWD and got some carrots from the store.  Tonight we're having cauliflower-carrot soup! 

And maybe tomorrow, we can have rain. 

I can always hope.


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