In which our March "lamb" finally shows up. We were all getting worried!

This is what we saw on the drive home from the Dry Side on Sunday afternoon:

A lot of the month of March has been lionesque: roaring winds, slashing sleet, biting hail. It was getting really old.

The Shetland Sheepdogs heard that thing about lions and lambs and were wondering:

"Where's our Lamb?"

This morning, our lamb arrived.

Cherry blossoms.
Plum blossoms.

Pear blossoms.

Life is good.

(Especially when I don't need to wear a wool toque and rubber boots just to go out and feed the goats!)


  1. your blossoms reminded me of a quote i saw on a wooden carved sign in an apple orchard.

    "Auch wenn ich wüsste, dass morgen die Welt zugrunde geht, würde ich heute noch einen Apfelbaum pflanzen."

    “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”

    i love it!

    we have no blossoms yet, in fact, no leaves at all. bah is this slow!

    i panicked when i saw the state of our field - it's mostly weeds! my man called our hay farmer immediately, "what is wrong with our field? what did we do?" and he said "no worries, the grass has not started yet. it will start growing soon! i have everything under control."

    whew. the grass is sleeping, it's all under control.


  2. btw, that last photo has great composition, with the lichen and fir tree in the misty background.

  3. It's been windy and SNOWY all week! It's gusting 60 mph and blowing snow right now. At least it's in the 50s so it's melting...

    I miss cherry blossoms. I don't miss the rain it takes to grow cherry trees, though.


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